Malting Barley Crop Update

Malting Barley Crop Update
The 2024 malting barley harvest across Europe is nearing completion, with a season marked by its share of challenges and surprises. Viking Malt’s sourcing areas are showing strong potential for the upcoming supply campaign.

Although spring barley seeding began later than normal across much of our regions, however with the right weather coming at the right time, thereafter it is looking more certain that we can expect a promising crop in terms of both quantity and quality with some regional variation.


Viking Malt Region Highlights:

Denmark: Harvest is around 80% complete, proteins in the lower to mid-range and with yields exceeding expectations in Zealand and surrounding islands.

Sweden: The southern harvest is nearly complete, while the northern regions are just getting started. Proteins in the lower to mid-range.

Finland: Harvest is ongoing under favorable weather conditions, with early samples showing mid to higher range protein levels.

Lithuania: The harvest is complete with mid-level proteins.

Poland: Harvest is complete with mid-level proteins, though some losses on both 2RS & 2RW occurred due to weather anomalies.